Yogavasishta The first verse ॐ Śrīmahaganapaticharanaravindābhyāya namaḥ । ॥ Shri: ॥ From Him all things appear and exist. I offer my respectful obeisances unto that Supreme Soul, the Supreme Soul, wherever one finds rest. The knower is knowledge and the knowable is the seer, the sight is the sight. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Soul of knowledge, from whom the doer, the cause, and the action originate. The sky and the earth are covered with bliss, and the seeds of the Lord are quivering. I offer my respectful obeisances unto that Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the life of all living entities. There was a certain brahmin who was very sharp and whose mind was attracted by doubt He went to the hermitage of Agastya and politely inquired of the sage Sutikshna said. O Lord, you know the truth of religion and are convinced of all the scriptures. There is a great deal of doubt about it. Please tell me this. The cause of liberation is action o...